ESD Image Viewer

This site allows you to view images for records accessed via SIS. You must have a valid USC Net ID and SIS login in order to view images. The list of available applicant/student records and images is based on your SIS account permissions.

When using the USC ESD Image Viewer you are subject to the Code of Responsibility and FERPA obligations. Do not share your login with anyone. All images and data are confidential and should be distributed to USC employees for legitimate business purposes only. Do not save images on your local computer drive or in your email mailbox as they contain protected personal information.

Violation of the SIS Code of Responsibility and/or FERPA will result in loss of access to SIS and may lead to reprimand, suspension, or dismissal consistent with the University of Southern California personnel and employment policies.

Please use your USC Net ID credentials to login to the ESD Image Viewer, for login assistance contact ITS x05555.

Click here for a recorded training session.